Monday, 15 July 2013

ENBE- Final Project

The Future City

In this project, we are to come up with a future city- underground city, flying city, underwater city, floating city or enhanced city. We have to focus on how the city works. For instance, the zoning of the city, the layout, the utilities, the services and how it sustains it self. In order to do that, we have to do some research on ancient, present and future cities. By doing so, we have to come up with a video to promote our city, and a booklet report that shows our research.

Through this project I have learnt a lot about cities and how they work. A city is not just made up of of heaps upon heaps of buildings but it also needs underground electrical wiring, piping, waste disposal and so on. I also realized that cities are not made overnight but modified throughout the years. Managing the construction of a city is near impossible without a good initial layout or plan. A layout of a city can very much affect the people living in the city. From the ancient cities, I've learnt how cities came about and I've learnt to appreciate the cities we have today. From the present cities, I've learnt about places in the world which I have never even heard of. From the future cities, I've learnt that the cities we have today can be further developed to build a better and brighter environment for people.

In terms of the project, at first I was skeptical on whether i could trust my group members to perform their tasks properly. But towards the end of the project, they all reassured me and tried their best to help out. I guess I've learnt to trust others to do their work and I've also learnt to manage my time better through this project.
Lifelong learning      Discipline specific knowledge


For this part, in groups, we are to choose one of the members' city and make a model of it. It turns out my city was chosen.

After making the model, we have to come up with a presentation board.

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