Sunday, 28 June 2015

Sustainable Housing Development

Assignment 1
In this assignment, we are given a list of topics on the subject of sustainable housing development and we need to choose 1 topic on a first-come-first-served basis and then proceed to write a report on the topic. The topic which I chose was lack of education in the industry.


From this assignment, I have learned that the construction industry lacks education on the sustainable factor when during construction. I have also to do some research concerning some specific matters and also sharpen my writing skills.


Assignment 2
In this assignment, as a group of 4, we are needed to choose an empty land in Setia Alam as our site. Upon choosing the site we need to come up with a master plan of the possible housing concept that can be done at the site. We have to write a report on the facilities that are already present surrounding the site, the master plan of the housing, potential buyers and the renewable material which makes that housing area special. We also need to make a video on this that shows the interesting points of the report.


From this module, I have learned a lot concerning the sustainability of an establishment. I have also had a lot of fun in this module as I got the chance as a group to explore Setia Alam and obverse the different facilities and buildings there. From the assignments given, I have learned to enhance my video making skills together with my group mates and also communicate better with my them.


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