Sunday, 6 July 2014

Introduction to law

In this module, the topics that are covered are Malaysian law system, contract law and tort law. It may come in handy for our career next time as we are likely to experience people who break contracts as well as people who are prone to accidents. This is to protect ourselves and our rights in the working environment so that people can't take advantage of us.


This module have no assignments and is purely exam based. The main areas of this subject are contract and tort law. I feel that contract law is slightly easier than tort law because contract law mainly involves memorizing the statutes and case studies whereas for tort law there has to be reasoning. This module could be boring at times trying to remember all the facts but overall I really enjoyed this module as I find it quite practical.

Construction Technology

Site Visit
We visited a construction site to gain exposure and to see the big picture of construction. The construction site we visited is located at Old Klang road, right beside Pearl International Hotel.

Objective of site visit from Jäkê Čhŷį Śêrñ

Assignment 1
In this assignment, we are to choose a house and find out about the foundations, slabs and roof of the house. Then we have to compare and contrast and give another two alternatives.

To know and understand the materials required.
                                         Independent scaffolding

                                          Putlog scaffolding


This module I would say is very much similar to Building Materials as it contain a lot of facts. However, it is interesting the way it was taught. The lecturer would tell us stories of his experience most of the time. This made it significantly interesting as well as entertaining. Overall, I enjoyed this module a lot as it is more practical than the other modules. Like the other modules in this course, it also takes time to experience the many things that happen in construction.

Building Materials

Assignment 1
This assignment is about the degradation and defects and the environmental impact of concrete. In this assignment, in a group we have to research on the topics given.

Dulux Paints
In this assignment, we were given a particular paint company to research on. Our research should contain the products and the characteristics of the products.

Assignment 2
In this assignment, we have to choose a site in which case we have chosen Taylor's University Lakeside Campus Library. We then have to describe the various materials used in the site eg. concrete, metal, glass etc.

Site Visit
We visited a construction site to gain exposure and to see the big picture of construction. The construction site we visited is located at Old Klang road, right beside Pearl International Hotel.

Objective of site visit from Jäkê Čhŷį Śêrñ


Overall I feel that this module is fairly interesting as I get to learn about the different materials used for construction from bricks to glass. However for that same reason it is quite boring as all these are mainly just facts. Even so, I guess this is the 'general knowledge' of those working in the construction field and even if I don't get everything that was taught, at least I get the basic idea of what was taught. I hope to get more well versed in the materials used as I continue my journey in this course.