Tuesday, 28 May 2013

The Journal 01

The Journal Exercise 01
Conservation and Restoration ecology

Through this exercise, I've learnt to do self research, how to extract information and turn it to information graphics. Okay, so maybe I haven't learnt to note sketch, but I hope to get better in the next few exercise. In terms of the topic, I learnt that New Zealand is the one of the most conservative country in the world, in terms of conservation of wildlife. I also hope to be more initiative and detailed in my research and not just to mash up any information I get.

Discipline specific knowledge      Lifelong learning

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Sound of Daily Objects

Creative Thinking Skills

Project 1

To me, this project has taught me to be resourceful and creative when finding the right items to produce the right sounds. Since this my our first project, the lecturers have been telling us about how important recording the process is which we will use in our career later on. In this project, we also had many meetings to attend to discuss about the performance ranging from instruments to outfits, not to mention we also had to practice to the performance day. This experience has taught me to attend meetings for the good of the group even though I don't feel like it. This has no doubt taught me to be more responsible about my work. On the performance day, we had to perform our songs on stage in front of a huge crowd at LT20. This really requires nerves of steel to perform like that, but despite the circumstances, we went through with our routine. This has taught me to perform under pressure. Even though I am scared, does not make any exception not to perform. From this, I also learnt to communicate with my groupmates and trust them enough to not ruin the performance.
Communication skills        Discipline specific knowledge
This is the first project for CTS which was given 3-4 weeks to complete. Groups of 8-9  were formed. The lecturers gave different songs to each group. The group's task was to use the particular song in a musical performance while adding other songs to enhance the performance. But here's the catch -- we were to perform using instruments made out of daily objects.

                                                 This is the poster for the performance

                                                   This is our group's poster: 9.0



English Assignment

1st Assignment
I am required to write a 600-800 word essay about either the difference in traditional houses, leisure time or how to sketch. I chose to write how to sketch.

Through this assignment, I have learnt to express myself differently, through writing and by using a variety of words to explain the topics though there is much to improve on, in terms of grammar. I have also learnt the techniques of writing a clear essay by using topic sentences, thesis statements and supporting sentences. When compared to the form 5 level of writing, this method is much more systematic and reliable.


Discipline specific knowledge            Thinking and problem solving skills
·       - brainstorm for ideas
·       - read or look for materials from books or online resources
·        -select a theme/ decide on what to draw
Selection of materials
·        -pencil and charcoal can be used to cast shadows
·        -pen and 6B pencil to add fine details
·        -selection of colours- colour pencil or paint
Produce the final product
·        -practice hand movements- draw circles
·        -use fast and light strokes with loose hand
·        -put away all distractions(hand phones, television, computer)
·        -capture the details in the background

How to produce a fine sketch
            Nowadays, I have been hearing many people asking how to make their drawings more lively be it in university and even on the social networks such as 'Facebook' and 'YouTube'. I was also interested in finding out the answer. Hence, I sought to find the answer to relieve my curious side. After quite a lot of research, I came to conclude that there are three simple steps to produce a realistic sketch.
            Before starting with a pencil and a piece of paper, you should always have head knowledge on which materials or instruments to use. You should do a bit of research whether it may be from books, online resources or maybe even friendly advice. What materials used can also be dependent on the theme of your drawing such as self portrait, landscapes, scenery, comic style, etc. When buying supplies, please make sure the source can be trusted because it would be annoying when your paper keeps tearing or pencils keep breaking. The best would be to get your stationary from well known franchise such as 'Popular' or 'MPH' bookstores. Later, you might want to research or brainstorm on what you want to draw. I would suggest something that you really like, because if it were something you didn't admire, you wouldn't have the motivation to carry on with the drawing.
            The second part of preparation is to know what materials to use when drawing. As I had said before, your selection of materials should always depend on what you plan to draw. For example, if you would like to do a lot of shading, you should most probably use charcoal and pencils to cast shadows and create a 3-dimensional effect. However when drawing comics, you should use a 6B pencil and pen for the outline or as an alternative, you can use a computer to draw which is much more convenient as you don't have to waste precious time to erase mistakes but just by a click of 'undo', the problem is solved. Next would be to select what colours to use. What colours you use is very important as it affects the mood of the picture. For example, if you put dark colours, the picture will be more gloomy and dull and if you put bright colours, the picture will appear more happy and lively. A balance of both types of colours will do just fine.
            The third part of the preparation is to warm up hand movements. To improve sketching abilities, many professionals like to practice hand movements like drawing circles and squares just to loosen the hands. When drawing, use fast and light strokes with loose hands so that your hands don't wobble along the way. After drawing the main object, make sure you also capture the details in the background as best as possible. I had made that mistake of not polishing up the background and trust me, it makes the picture look very 2-dimensional. When drawing you would want to be fully focused on visualizing the picture, so you should stay away from all potential distractions like hand phones, computer, television and possibly friends. In short, you should forget time itself and just concentrate on the drawing.
            These are the steps to producing a fine sketch, research and brainstorm, selection of materials and produce the final product. These steps definitely worked for me however this may not apply to everyone but I hope that this will inspire and motivate you to continue to drawing. Drawing not only give you satisfaction, but also relieves stress when you start to visualize a perfect fantasy world and put it on paper.

2nd assignment
We are to form a group of 4 or 5 and present a speech on a famous artist or architect, i which my case is Pablo Picasso. Each member is required to talk for not less than 4 minutes.

Through the assignment on public speaking, I've learnt to communicate information to the audiences more effectively through speech. Although I'm still getting the hang of it, I'm sure I will master the art of speech in due time. I have also learnt to do research more effectively on certain topics, to pinpoint the important key facts. Overall, I've learnt to appreciate the english language, knowing that many people do not have the privilege of coming from an english-speaking background. Lastly, I have learnt to manage my time amongst all the projects and assignments of different subjects.

Overall video presentation

Thursday, 9 May 2013

ICI project 1

Introduction to the Construction Industry
Through this subject Students will able to explore within the context of professionals involved and sub-professionals in their respective professions in the construction industry. This module introduces students to the organizations and issues within the construction process.

 Group component
In this first project, lecturers gave us a specific career (ex. landscape architecture, developer, etc.) where in our own groups, we are to interview a person with the given career. Later we have to make a video on the interview.

Individual component
As the individual assignment, we are each supposed to create a magazine complete with proper layout and articles *6 pages requirement*

My group got quantity surveyor as the career we are suppose to interview.
So, each of the group members are required to come out with 10 questions to ask the quantity surveyor (another 5 separate questions will be asked and recorded by video)

This project required me together with my group, to interview a quantity Surveyor (QS). We were lucky enough that one of our group member's dad is a QS. So that meant that there will me less tension while we interviewed him. I was required to choose 10 questions to ask the QS. This specific task has reqiured me to look into what a QS does, granting me exposure on the topic. This has taught me to do independent research. During the interview, I had to listen very carefully to what the QS has to say. So for this part, I learnt to listen for key points and record it properly.
The second part of the project was to design and make a magazine. This has taught me more about how magazines are formed with layouts, fonts, colours and so on. Overall, I guess this project focuses on teaching us how to make a well organized magazine for when we are working for a company in the future.

Lifelong learning       Communication skills

1. In which area of the building process is a Quantity Surveyor most required?

2. How is the employment rate of a contemporary Quantity Surveyor?

3. How does Quantity Surveyor play an important role in a project?

4. What is the difference in roles of a Quantity Surveyor and a Constructor?

5. If the economy were to be good or bad, how would it effect a Quantity Surveyor?

6. What is the most important quality that you think a Quantity Surveyor should have?

7. Is a Quantity Surveyor just in charge of numerals and figures, in a project? If not, what else?

8. Is the life of a Quantity Surveyor satisfying?

9. What is the worst possible mistake a Quantity Surveyor can make in a project? What are the effects?

10. At the end of a project, what do you consider a success?

11. What is it about Quantity Surveying that you like most?


ENBE Project 1

Project 1

This project is really a new experience for me. I got to go to a site visit at Riverstone Eco Resort. Unlike the name, the place and its facilities are actually quite dirty and very poorly maintained. But other than that, it is a good experience for me especially the river. As a group, I really had fun as we explore the wilderness and see how living things react with one another. This little trip has taught me to be a bit more curious about my surroundings and just have fun to explore nature. 

In terms of the project, I enjoyed sketching and recording everything however the thing that bothered me is that I have to recorded every little detail. For the group component, I am a bit guilty. Although I tried my best to help out with the infographic poster, but still it seems as if I didn't really do much. So ever since then, I have tried to make a useful contribution to any group work so that I can say that I have done my part.

Thinking and problem solving skills        Discipline specific knowledge
Group component
Based on the site visit, we need to create an interactive exhibition which involves info-graphic materials to explain about the site in the site visit and also a video to show our experience.


THE INFORMATION (Credits to: Phua Jing Sern)

THE VIDEO (Credits to Phua Jing Sern)

Individual component
Individually, everyone is supposed to create a power point slideshow from sketches/ information from the site. The power point should include what I experience during the site visit and also one specific plant and one animal.

Idea Journal 01

Creative Thinking Skills (CTS)
Idea Journal 01

Upon completion of the Idea Journal 01, I've learnt to think more creatively. I have also learnt to use mind maps effectively to communicate information. This has taught me to think creatively as well has critically. Again, as the lecturers always say, recording the thought process is very important, and that is what they are training us to do i guess. This is the first Idea Journal and it actually caught me by surprise when I were to write about an object and its function. I guess this has taught me that anything could happen when it comes to being creative.

Intrapersonal skills             Thinking and problem solving skills Exercise 01
This is an Idea Journal. Basically its like homework given every 2-3 weeks just to stimulate the mind and creativity.
For this first recording, our task is to make several mind maps (minimum 2) stating anything about an object given in which my case happens to be a drinking straw.